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Customer connections process improvements

We're working towards more timely and efficient connections

We have an important role to play in meeting the province's electrification goals and our ability to connect new customers quickly and efficiently is an important part in this.

Customer connection volumes have increased by over one-third in the last four years and we're forecasting over 18,000 new residential accounts per year over the next 10 years. We're taking steps to ensure the grid can handle the increased distribution loads related to electrification.

At the same time, we're taking steps to help speed up customer connection times – especially for those looking to use more renewable electricity instead of fossil fuels.

An update on the improvements we're making

Since 2023, we've implemented a number of improvements and invested in more resources and training of new staff to support new customer connections.

Policy changes

Following customer and stakeholder engagement, we submitted an application to the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC) to update our Distribution Extension Policy on June 27, 2024. The policy, which has not been updated since 2008, sets out how costs are allocated between new and existing non-industrial customers for new or upgraded connections to our system. The BCUC approved our application on March 5, 2025.

The updates are designed to lower the cost of connections for many customers, speed up connection timelines, and better balance cost sharing when initial customer infrastructure investments enable others to connect at a later date. This will provide greater cost certainty for customers and encourage larger multi-unit developments to connect to our grid.

The new policy will come into effect on July 5, 2025.

Staffing increases

We've increased our design and customer connections staff by over 100 since positions since 2021. These individuals are located in local offices across the province. We're also reallocating and re-focusing staff from other areas of the company to support our customer connections team.

Business Process Improvements

We've implemented a number of business process improvements including: Streamlined customer onboarding, streamlined delivery of low risk low complexity design work, program management for strategic customer programs, and solutions derived from a Lean end to end design process review.

Updates to our standards

We've updated our standards to make it easier for customers to progress their project and source materials. One of these changes is to the ES54 Section S service standards. Included in this update is a new standard S0-05 General Notes, Service Ducts and Trenches, which aligns our gravel specification on private properties with the BC Electrical Code. See technical standards and guides.