Electricity rates & energy use
Electricity rates
Learn about the rate structures that we have for residential, business and other customers. Your rate structure determines how you're charged for the electricity you use.
Electricity meters
Electricity meters measure your electricity use for billing. Learn about the meters on our system, how they work, and the benefits of smart meters.
Understand your electricity use
Get to know the tools available within MyHydro, which is your online account with us. Check out the top tips for using MyHydro to track and manage your electricity use.
Access your building's peak load data
For multi-unit residential or mixed-use buildings looking to check if there's capacity to add electric vehicle charging, electric heating, or other electrical load based on historical peak load data. Plus, learn how to interpret the data.
Related information
Looking into a high bill
The most common reasons for a higher-than-expected bill are changes to the outdoor temperature and changes to how you use electricity at home.
Energy efficiency tips, rebates and programs
Incentives are available to make energy-efficient upgrades at your home or business, and we've got tips to help you save energy and money.