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Costs for design connection projects

New connection costs come into effect on July 5, 2025

On March 5, 2025, the B.C. Utilities Commission approved our application to update our distribution extension policy to help streamline upgrades and reduce the cost of connecting new customers.

These changes will come into effect on July 5, 2025. For more details, see our current rate design activities.

If we need to add infrastructure such as power lines, poles, and transformers, or increase the capacity of our system so you can receive electricity service from us, this requires electrical design and construction.

At different stages of the project, you may need to pay for the following:

Learn more about each of these costs below. If we don't need to add infrastructure to get you connected, see our charges for standard connections instead.

Deposits for design connection projects

We may need to collect a non-refundable deposit from you before we start design work.

See typical deposit amounts below. Exceptions will apply for very large projects or those that are difficult to scope.

Deposits for design connections

Project type Deposit amount

Small-scale design projects

  • Minor alterations to make single-residential service connections up to 200 A. 

Medium-scale design projects

  • Projects where the customer’s portion of the construction costs are expected to exceed $2,000.
  • Single and three-phase overhead or underground extension for primary or secondary service.
  • Subdivision or strata developments with five to 14 single-family dwellings.
  • Private line takeover projects.

Large-scale design projects

  • Subdivision or strata developments with 15 or more single-family dwellings.
  • Projects that require underground feeder civil and electrical work including BC Hydro switchgear or submarine cable work. 

Making a deposit payment

You can pay the design connection project deposit via online banking (preferred), in-person at your bank, or by cheque. For more details, see payment options.

Before the design process begins, a design deposit invoice will be emailed to the account holder. The account holder is the person or company identified on the authorization form (see payment options) in your design services application.

Deposits are non-refundable. They’re collected before the design phase begins to cover the costs for preparing the design. If your project doesn’t proceed to the construction phase, the deposit won't be reimbursed.

Design deposits are exempt from GST.

Extension fees

The extension fee is your share of the cost to supply and install the infrastructure (poles, transformers, wire/cable, and underground conduit) along with other costs necessary to receive service from us. This fee is included in the construction costs on the construction invoice you’ll receive after the design work is done and will be collected before construction begins.

BC Hydro contributions for Rate Zone 1

If the service location is within Rate Zone 1, your cost may be reduced by our contribution towards construction cost and any credits you may qualify for.

Rate class BC Hydro maximum contribution

$1,475 per single-family dwelling

General service

$200 per kW of estimated billing demand

Street lighting

$150 per fixture


$150 per kW of estimated billing demand

For regulatory information about our extension fee policy, please read section 8 of our Electric Tariff [PDF, 1.4 MB].

Making a payment

You can pay for the construction invoice via online banking (preferred), in-person at your bank, or by cheque. For more details, see payment options.

Extension fee refund eligibility

If new customers connect to your extension within five years of the in-service date, you may be eligible for a refund. View refund eligibility and calculations [PDF, 3.9 MB].

To request a refund, complete the customer extension fee refund application [PDF, 227 KB].

Financial assistance for homes and farms

We offer financial assistance toward the cost of electrical extensions to serve principal residences, principal residences on farms, and farm irrigation. View extension fee financial assistance eligibility [PDF, 2.2 MB].

Standard charges and fees

For secondary voltage (750V or less) electrical connections, you'll need to pay a standard charge for the installation of a meter and wire/cable between our infrastructure and your meter base, wiring or switch if applicable.

In some cases, this charge will be included as part of the construction costs in your invoice, but in other cases may be charged separately at the time of service connection.

View the list of standard charges and fees.

Revenue guarantee

If your project has an expected maximum demand greater than 100 kW, you may need to provide us with a guarantee in the form of cash or a letter of credit. The maximum amount of the guarantee will be equal to all or part of our contribution toward construction costs, and it will be held for a period of up to five years after the in-service date.

How guarantees are evaluated

At the end of the guarantee period, we'll re-evaluate our contribution toward the extension costs. The calculation is based on the number of customers connected to the extension, and the average electricity demand of those customers over the guarantee period.

Based on the re-evaluation, we may refund the guarantee, either in whole, or in part. Please note that no interest will be paid on the guarantee.

For more information, see the revenue guarantee guide [PDF, 186 KB].


Full or partial refunds for the fees listed above, excluding deposits, may be issued via cheque under the following circumstances:

  • If there is a change in the project scope that reduces the original construction cost.
  • If the project is cancelled.
  • If the final cost estimate is lower than the deposit amount.
  • If the estimated cost to the customer for construction of infrastructure owned by BC Hydro exceeds the estimated design and construction costs.
  • If there is an overpayment due to a payment error.

Please note that refunds will only be issued to the account holder indicated on the authorization form submitted to BC Hydro.