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Request approval to connect your generation system

This form is for customers who need to resolve unauthorized grid connections.

To request authorization to connect your generation system to our grid without applying for our self-generation program, complete the form below.

Before you begin, you’ll need:

  • Technical specifications for your system 
  • Single-line diagram (PDF) 
  • Site plan (PDF) 
  • Inverter data sheet (PDF) 

After you submit the form, you should hear from us within about 15 business days.

If you want to participate in our self-generation program, apply for self generation instead.

Complete the form below

BC Hydro account holder acknowledgement and privacy statement

By applying you acknowledge that you have read and understand the service requirements and the Distributed Generation Technical interconnection Requirements – 100 kW and Below [PDF, 779 KB], and that you agree to comply with these requirements and design, install, operate and maintain your generator in accordance with applicable governmental and BC Hydro standards and requirements.

The personal information you provide to BC Hydro in support of this application is collected in furtherance of BC Hydro’s mandate under the Hydro Power and Authority Act and the Utilities Commission Act and for the purposes of communicating with you regarding processing and managing of your application, the interconnection of your generator.

If you have any questions about the collection of your personal information or its use in connection with this program, please contact the self-generation team.