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Be prepared for storm season. Safety tips and videos

Request a smart meter

If you have a radio-off meter and would like to replace it with a smart meter, submit the request below.

Please note that this request can only be submitted by the BC Hydro account holder, and once a smart meter is installed, you won’t be able to revert back to a radio-off meter.

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Please review the form below and make sure all required information is provided.

All form fields with an * are required.

The personal information you provide on this form will only be used to process your request for a smart meter. BC Hydro collects and uses this information in accordance with the provisions of the Hydro and Power Authority Act and BC Hydro’s Electric Tariff, regulated by the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC).

BC Hydro may contact you using the information provided in order to confirm or collect missing information required to exchange your radio-off meter for a smart meter. If you have any questions on how your information is handled, contact