Ways to pay your bill
Trouble paying your bills?
Residential customers that have fallen behind on their payments as a result of a temporary financial crisis may be eligible for a grant payment through our Customer Crisis Fund.
- Online banking
- Direct withdrawal through MyHydro
- Pre-authorized payments
- Equal payment plan
- Credit card
- By mail
- At a Service BC office (outside the Lower Mainland)
- Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) for large business customers
We also allow you to report a late payment and we provide options if you can't pay right now.
Online banking
Log in to your bank's website, go to the pay bill section and add or select BC Hydro as a payee. You’ll need to have your BC Hydro account number on hand.
You can also pay in person at your local branch, using telephone banking or an automated banking machine.
Please allow three to five business days for online banking payments to be reflected on your account.
Direct withdrawal through MyHydro
Make a one-time payment by withdrawal from your bank account directly from your online MyHydro account.
To set up your first payment withdrawal, you'll need the bank account details found on your cheques or bank statement.
Pre-authorized payments
Set up auto-pay and have your bills paid automatically from your bank account with our pre-authorized payment plan – a great way to never miss a due date. You'll need the bank account details found on your cheques.
Or mail in the pre-authorized payments form [PDF, 61 KB].
Equal payment plan
To make equal payments each month throughout the year. Some customers find this can help their budgeting. The last 12 months of electricity use determines your monthly payment amount.
Each year, we compare the amount you've been billed with your actual use. The difference may result in a credit (if you've used less electricity than you've paid for) or additional charges (if you've been using more electricity than you've paid for). You can see how you're comparing on each bill.
Credit card
You can pay with your Amex, Visa, Visa Debit, Mastercard, or Debit Mastercard using Paymentus, a third-party service that charges a service fee for each payment you make. You can make a one-time payment, or set up recurring payments.
Visit Paymentus to pay with your credit card online.
To pay with your credit card over the phone, call Paymentus at 1 877 543 8357.
By mail
To pay by mail, send your cheque to our payment address below. Please ensure your BC Hydro account number is written on the cheque.
Do not mail cash or post-dated cheques.
BC Hydro
P.O. Box 9501 STN Terminal
Vancouver, B.C. V6B 4N1
At a Service BC office (select locations)
Service BC accepts BC Hydro bill payments at select locations. Please contact your local Service BC office to confirm.
Pay by Electronic Funds Transfer
For our larger commercial customers with multiple accounts, Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) is a fast and simple way to pay your BC Hydro bills. You can transfer funds electronically from your company bank account to BC Hydro's bank account.
The benefits of EFT include reduced administrative costs, increased efficiency, simplified bookkeeping, and greater security.
To request a switch to paying your BC Hydro bill by electronic funds transfer, please fill in and submit the form.
Requirements to request Electronic Funds Transfer:
- Your accounts must be on paperless billing,
- You must have a minimum of six accounts on the Medium General Service and/or Large General Service rate to qualify,
- Payments must be made in Canadian funds.
If you have a transmission account, please contact your Key Account Manager to discuss your options.
Made a late payment?
If you made a late payment, you can avoid a disruption to your electrical service by providing the details of your payment online.
Can't pay right now?
If you're having trouble keeping up with your BC Hydro bills and are falling behind on payments, we're here to help. Learn more.