Understanding your winter bill

Winter bills can be higher than the rest of the year, especially if you use electric heating. In most parts of B.C.,
you use more electricity in winter: lights are left on longer, appliances are used more.
Managing higher bills can be tricky, but by keeping track of your electricity use with MyHydro, you can understand
what might be contributing to a higher bill – and maybe find ways to save.
Use alerts to remind you to log in and check your usage. Understanding when you use
electricity can be a good first step to finding ways to save.
See how your usage changes with MyHydro
One of the best ways to start managing your winter bill is to know how your usage changes through the year,
or when the weather is colder outside.
In MyHydro, you can compare your usage to previous billing period, see how much you used at the same time
last year, or compare your electricity usage to the average outside temperature where you live.
If you have electric heat, you'll typically notice a steady pattern in winter; when the temperature dips down,
your usage goes up. Even if you set your thermostats at a lower temperature, when it's colder outside,
your heaters require more energy to maintain the set temperature.

Hour by hour, see when you're using power
Because we tend to spend more time indoors in the winter, we generally see more electricity usage from lighting
and appliances in the winter months. Take a look at your hourly usage within MyHydro to
start understanding when you're using the most electricity.
For some, you may notice spikes on laundry day, particularly if you hang more laundry to dry when the
weather is warmer. Did you host family and friends for a big meal over the holidays?
Check for higher usage when you were using the oven and stove for longer periods.

Heating can increase winter bills
If you have electric heating, you'll typically see higher bills in winter. Electric baseboard heating can account for
up to 50% of your home's overall electricity use. And in winter, bills can be up to 66% higher than the rest of the year.
Consider using a programmable thermostat to ensure you're minimizing heating costs and managing
your heating as best you can. Setting your temperature lower when you're sleeping, away from your home and doing active
chores around the house can make a big difference on your bill.
See more heating tips
Consider spreading out winter bill costs
If you have electric heating, you'll typically see higher bills in winter. Electric baseboard heating can account for
up to 50% of your home's overall electricity use. And in winter, bills can be up to 66% higher than the rest of the year.
Setting up an equal payment plan means that you pay the same amount each month, based on how much
electricity you use. For many customers, this means that the higher winter costs are spread throughout the year:
you pay more in spring and summer than you normally would, and less in the winter than you may actually be using.
It can be helpful for your budgeting and planning to have a consistent bill amount throughout the year.